The Battlelore module for the Vassal Engine is the best way to play Battlelore online. It has many options and one of those is an extended set of deployment cards.
I have recreated those deployment cards in a hi-res version suitable for printing for players who wish to add these cards to their physical copy of Battlelore.
The three archives include all 63 deployment cards (nine 7-card sets renamed as D, E and F) for goblins, dwarves and humans. Also included is the back for deployment cards.
These cards are designed to be printed on cardstock and will create bridge-sized cards when printed. I suggest after cutting out the card, trace a battlelore card over the printed card and trim to size.
You can also upload them to The Game Crafter and print using their bridge-sized card option. The image files are sized to have a bleed and if you print them yourself, they will need to be trimmed to size.
Update 09/25/2019: One of the cards (Human D7) had an error on it. One of the Icons in the card summary area was incorrect. This has been corrected. Also find below a file that contains a PDF of all 63 cards that can be used to print the cards at home easily. They will print with cut marks and are sized for 59x91mm (Euro Board game sized).