Thanks to a generous contributor (Lorenzo) twenty models have been added to the Mechwarrior Paper Models repository. Several of these are from the long defunct Paper Mechlab website.
A complete list of added models:
- TRC-4B Chameleon (added 2021-01-29)
- Seydlitz aerospace fighter
- Shilone aerospace fighter
- Madcat (sexy2 texture)
- Marauder (officerpod)
- MW3 Warhammer
- Raven (alt, textured)
- SRM Carrier
- Vulture (sexy 2 texture)
- Paper Mechlab models (no texture)
- Atlas
- Daishi / Direwolf
- Locust
- Thor / Summoner
- Madcat / Timberwolf
- Possibly paper mechlab
- Hunchback (textured)
- Locust (alt, untextured)
- Madcat (untextured)
- Madcat (textured)
- Stinger (textured)
- Uller / Kit Fox
- Vulture / Mad Dog
If anyone knows the author and/or source of these files, please let me know and I will add the information.